Osteoporosis Success Stories — Tracey Builds Bone Without Drugs

Tracy was a woman who was diagnosed with osteopenia and told you should take on drugs but she resisted, and she went on to build bone with our veteran’s program so Tracy just tells us a little bit of your story about how you recovered from osteopenia when I had my first Texas, and I was diagnosed with osteopenia was the first time that I’ve never paid any kind of attention whatsoever to my bone health. And so as the years went on and I got 6 test subjects and scams and realized my numbers were moving in the wrong way and I made a conscious effort to try to do something about it. And part of that was going on mine I found better rights program I. Make use right away purchasing the supplements and taking the supplements and then I would read everything back doctor Graham put out there about osteopenia and how to correct it, I will I do have to be honest that it wasn’t until the numbers were getting so bad that I got serious about it because I wasn’t willing to do everything it took to make that. And I had doctors what they would look at the test results and I was getting scolded for not being on bone medication. But you know based on the research that I’ve done my stock based on the information you were not in your E. newsletters and everything I can glean from these bone density improving medications was that they were not over in my best interest to take what you see the doctor, so the doctors when they saw your bone density is they scolded you called me I was right was brought to tears by a doctor who told me I had to be on it there was no way I was ever going to improve it this was the only way and it was very clear in. And discussing that with my doctor wasn’t much discussion it was a lecture by them that they knew very little about it other than to cry hearing this is very important, because so many women are frightened by their doctors who don’t have any consideration if you’re damaged bone and more than that that there’s another way to build bone, but so you didn’t even know they scolded you even though they threaten you you still stuck on target and develop your natural program well you know it’s I and I need to tell you.

Yes I forwarded one of your blogs onto my primary care physician at the time and when I went in with a checkup, I was essentially told well these people you know they’re just digestion I don’t know what they’re talking about yeah and that that kind of. That may be mad. It was fortunate that at about that same time my insurance stopped that particular doctor was no longer in network with my insurance, so I was forced to find another primary care physician want to even worse one. Until I found my current doctor he said you know I respect what you want to do I will work with you and I will not be lecturing you every time you come in here about the fact that you are or not. And I think that if you’re concerned about your health and you want to make something happen you commit to making the change. When you commit to the change and the biggest change that I had to make weren’t the supplements that were the easy part the biggest changes what with the diet, you know and using the test strips to ensure that the diet I was eating was resulting in an alkaline PH when I got up the next day and that was frustrating at first because I, you know for a while and I didn’t see anything at that piece of paper was yellow and I could not get it to move grain, and so it was pretty clear that whatever was going to happen increasing my bone density was not going to take place it was something that I was gonna have to commit to it that I was gonna have to stick to our over time I found a diet. The court granted more fruits and vegetables more affluent inducing products into my diet you know I ditched alcohol less meat started exercising doing more balance bone density of building exercises one of the things that you had that you talk about a study out of Australia where women were doing the right thing one rep Max, and you know I’m I worked out for life I mean I always worked out. But I’m like you don’t have to put a little bit more stress on that. After reaching you and so that’s something else that I. I work to do work rate you know have your way. He raps in an attempt to increase that kind that’s exactly right so you did the di did the exercise you work with the nutrients and what was the result. The result was back in the this last Texas stand that I have in 2020 I saw an improvement in all my numbers I was out hello this when I got the call they read me my teas score some I see scores and while they didn’t look like.

Should you wish for improvements to meet the fact that they were getting better and not getting worse Jimmy was significant. And that’s just a really important point as we age there everyone loses ball the average woman loses 45 percent of her bone mass as you go some 35 to 85 and when you get to be like 16, of course during menopause women lose a lot some women lose 10 percent some women lose 20 percent, especially in women can lose 20 percent of their bone mass in those 5 years around menopause but when you get to be 16 the losses the average losses one percent to 0.5 of a percent, so if you can halt the loss and stabilize bone build a little that’s a very good sign. That’s excellent yeah I was thrilled and it was really interesting before I got the results having the last test my sister and I were in conversation about this very thing, she had fallen back in February she ended up having a great deal of pain and MRI and found out that she had some spinal fractures had healed now and this is a woman. Who is Texas scan results were okay, yeah and she had at 1. taking Fosamax for 5 years Mr and me. I just found it interesting that here’s a person who’s got pretty good test results she was not osteoporotic at all, she was starting to resent with osteopenia she’s older than I am but now she’s showing that she’s had some issues and she was seriously considering she’s one of those that are more prone to go right to the medication route and she was the first call, I meant I said please don’t let anybody tell you you can’t do that I am proof that you can. And she was she is my husband my greatest advocate with us well you obviously but you don’t know me she was my greatest advocate and so we’re working with each other to make this happen, I’m on the other side she subscribing to your blog. And I talk to you with everybody I know I met a woman in the gym and she had a white passed on she was and she was on the treadmill and I went up to a nice, yeah do you have a weight vest on your best as a matter of fact when you recommend and I said I just came out after so do you have osteoporosis she goes, yes I do I said are you taking the medication she goes no I’m not. So there are women out there you know like I was doing. Yes well, I certainly congratulate you on taking charge of your health and establishing good bone health I congratulate you on your willingness to dig Tracy volunteered to do up a little chat with us to try to inspire other women to help other women see that I may appreciate that, and I see more and more women taking charge and I believe we’re starting to appreciate the magnificence of the human body the capacity to regenerate and you’re certainly been a great example, I thank you a lot or spend with us and thank you during the word we will change the way women are treated around bone health absolutely thanks Tracy.

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