Best Nintendo Switch/Switch OLED accessories | NYXI Joy Pad Review

Everyone and welcome back so today we’re going to be taking a look at one of the best accessories for your switch or switch a lead the N. Y. X. I joined Pat now since the release of the switch let a lot of old accessories are no longer functional for example if you have a grip that was styled for the old switch unfortunate generally the new switch all that won’t fit with your different joy cons also if you have options like this out there fortune once again the tablet having changed size are no longer compatible but luckily just before the release of the old and I received the N. Y. X. hi joy pads which I am super happy to say are compatible with either to switch or the switch a lead and they’re already started test them to get a review ready which means that when I got my let and I saw that they were automatically compatible I was super happy because I do think that now this is probably one of the best options out there for anyone wanting a joy con alternative that is more comfortable and more functional than the actual Nintendo joy cons why because ultimately these are the first time that I have joy con alternatives that I can say you have almost no downside to the original Nintendo ones and even have only upsides now we are going to be taking a close up look in a few seconds but just for some spoilers basically these are almost identical to a hoary split pad pro comfort wise and size wise you even have the programmable button at the back but surprise surprise what we do have here that these hoary split pad does not have is that this still has rumble functionality and they also work wirelessly and if you are the owner of a switch and more specifically I would see a switch a lead that is a huge option because with the better kickstand now when your switch. When you are set up on the goal and you have the option to go table top personally I have started going table top much more often because the only thing that used to prevent me on my old switch with the fact that that kickstand was not very trustworthy and I didn’t wanna have to always carry around a separate stand or separate accessory to be able to hold up my switch but now with the arrival of the N. Y. X. hi joy pads I have what I think is the best option from going to hand held mode to table top mode and really losing out no functionality in reality the only cabinet that I found so far is that the N. Y. excite joypad do not read the meatballs however when you’re on the go are you really bring your meatballs with you not very often at least not in my case so to me it is not that much of a downside but now let’s take a closer look at the joypad so that you guys can get a better view of all the options available the functionalities and basically what this joy pad has to offer so first of all I just want to show you guys what they look like when they’re connected to the Nintendo switch because in a few seconds I’m going to detach them it’ll just be easier for looking at the various functions but ultimately the fit almost perfectly with the size of the Nintendo switch and if you look at the backside once again everything fits in really nicely. So first of all form factor wise I just want to show you how similar they are tweet Horry split pad pro you’re almost identical in form factor you for split pad is maybe a tiny bit larger at the top but overall once you’re connected to switch they are very similar they even have the same programmable buttons as I said earlier at the back also the R. texturizing which is honestly very appreciated the hoary split pad is as well but only on the little part here this one is fully text rise all the way at the back other than offering a programmable button at the back even 8 turbo functionality on this so when I said that you’re really losing none of the options that you get from a hoary split pad pro that is very true you even get the trouble functionality on the controller and just in case you’re wondering it is even the same for the other controller the turbo button is there as well so you really have trouble functionality for all of the different face buttons are you also probably noticed that there’s an LED function here and just so you know it is also programmable in different ways you can either switch the color. So going from red to orange 2 different colors all the way back to the rainbow-colored I have by default. And by the way, both sides of the joy-con are programmable separately if you want one color on the left you can have a different color on the right but there is also you can have the option to have it a breeding function. So now the light will come on in a breeding function. You can even have a basic rainbow function meaning that it’ll be rainbow but will be breeding in the rainbow function as well. And lastly if none of these lights interest you you can talk completely turn them off as well so if you’re not the kind of person that likes LEDs on their controllers if you plan to darken it bother someone because it’s lifting up you can actually turn off the lights completely now looking at all these functions and knowing that the work wirelessly you’re probably asking yourself one last question if we’re playing in tabletop mode and I don’t want to have to to separate joypad is there an option for that so the way we solve this is with the controllers comes just let patchman just very similar to the option for the Nintendo switch joy cons you just slot your controllers in there and you can now play as if this was one standard pro controller and form factor wise this is actually very comfortable almost compatible as I said earlier to a pro controller not quite there but very similar and just to round things off you do have full vibration function with this controller and secondly motion control also works and if you look at the bottom of the controllers yes you do have some USB C. ports but you don’t actually need them if you plug this on to your standard Nintendo switch it will charge perfectly with the main unit so there’s no need to charge these controllers separately and maybe in this form factor you want to see the back as a last option you have here to programmable buttons everything is actually really really comfortable as a form factor so I think we saw pretty much everything we needed to see from the close up overall this is offering really I think the best of both worlds as a joy con alternative method we saw all the functionalities I think you’re starting to see why I say this is one of the best options for your Nintendo switch or your switch a lead because basically it’s taking all the added functionalities from a hoary split pad pro and giving you all the advantages of a standard Nintendo switch joy con as I said earlier with only one small cap yacht the lack of NFC compatibility. For example me personally I always loved the feel and basically functionality of the hoary split pad pro but I was always super disappointed that if I left the house with this I would lose he wireless compatibility which is why I was super happy to see that when he sent me these joy cons the build quality and the sizing of the joy con is almost identical to the hoary split pad pro even with that added button at the back like we just saw earlier not only that but this actual controller format is very comfortable if you compared this to taking a standard Nintendo switch joy con and putting it in the dog faced controller format this is weight more comfortable of course it’s maybe not quite as comfortable as an actual switch pro controller but it comes pretty darn close I’ll be honest with you when I was first contacted by the company to test out these joy cons I really thought I was going to get a cheap sub par product however I am super happy to say yet again I was surprised and I got a really quality product out of it not only that but I was so surprised by this controller and so happy with what I got that I actually ask them for a link for all of you which will give you an extra $5 off so if you go down in the description of the video there will be an affiliate link to D. N. Y. X. I. site and a cold for you to use that will actually give you an extra $5 off if you decide to order yourself a pair of destroyed pads and honestly until something better comes along this is what I’m going to be putting in the description of my videos as my suggested joy con alternative and if you have any other questions or anything you would like to know about this joy pad you can always ask me in the comments down below I just don’t forget on the way out that if you do like this type of video please hit that like button consider subscribing to the channel if you aren’t already and hitting that notification bell so you know when all my future content. Comes out in his usual help us see all of you in my next video.

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